TheOld Town isa typical labyrinthof winding, narrow laneswith houses – todaymostlywith BaroqueorClassical facades but RomanesqueorGothic inthe heart. Merchantsand tradesmen used to havetheirshops in the ground floor of houses. Todaythereare usually various bars, pubs, cafes andlittle hotels.
TriangularCoalMarketis a picturesquecornerof the OldTown. In the middle of the triangle we can see theClassicalfountainof 1797builtby sculptorFranzXaverLedererwith financial support of artspatronJamesWimmer, hence itsname. Fountain, however, is far from being an ordinaryfountainas itmight appear from a distanceat first glance . Firstly–thefountainwas its historyquite„restless“ –movedmany times–atfirst it was on Jungmann Square, thenon BethlehemSquare, laterin VrchlickyOrchardsand finallyin 1952docked„for the time being definitely“ on the CoalMarket.Anotherinteresting fact is thatno oneactuallyreally knowswhat does the fountain means. There are different birdsandfruist on it, thus fareverything is clear. From theseassumptions someart expertsconcludethat thefountaincould representan allegory ofviticultureandagriculture, becausestandingboygivesa sitting girla bunch of grapes. However,other researcherscalled them asAdamand Eve. Whatiscertain –the birdat their feetis a cock. Spring of water is gushingupfroma bird‚s beak, which isprobablygoing to take off. Restorers,whoworked hard on the fountain, because it wasdamagedby vandals, however, failed tounite, whether it is aduck, gooseorswan. I will leave dealing withthis important question up toyou.
In the middle ofa straight lineof historicizingapartment buildings on thenorthwestside of the triangle there protrudes a seeminglyinexplicablystrangestraddled, red house stands, whichclearlydoes not fitinto theseries. Buton the contrary there areillogicalhouseson the sides.Why? Kindly find the answerin the next picture:
Do you recognize it? It isthe housewith advertisingof company„Robert Eichler“,withretreatingrightpart.In the picture the house has still an originalbaroquegable,which,as you can seein theprevious picture, was later somewhatsimplified.The house wasone of manyoriginal medievalbuildingswithbaroquefacades. Houseson both sides of the house werein the 19thcentury„rehabilitated“ and the whole north-westernside of the trianglewasirreparablydamaged.Way it lookedsoonerwe can realize also nowadayslooking atthe preserved southside of the triangle.
Golden laneis notonly a streetin Hradcany (Prague Castel district) ,butalso one in the OldTown.Becausetwo streetswith the same name may notbein Prague, so that the street in Hradcany is officiallycalled with suffix „Golden Lane atDaliborka“ andit is the onlystreetin Prague,which is accessibleonly afterpurchase oftickets. Tothe GoldenLanein the Old Town you do not haveto pay anyentrance feeandyou haveone extrabonus–unlikeGolden lane atDaliborka overcrowded with tourist, you will encounteralmostno one hier.As an addedbonusyou havejust around the corner also Stribrna (Silver)Lane! The street was opened to the public only short time ago – after reconstruction ofadjacent St. Annachurchandsoalmost no oneknows about it. It is really off the beaten track.